Everyone using the Sheffield Advanced Motorcyclists Club(SAM) services, including this website, must abide by the terms and conditions, data protection and privacy policies shown on this page. SAM is a charitable organisation (UK Registered Number: 1089671) dedicated to providing a socially responsible and reliable service that promotes motorcycle awareness, safer motorcycle riding and public education. SAM also provides ongoing support and guidance to advanced motorcyclists through its continuing training and social activity events. SAM is affiliated to the Institute of Advanced Motorists(IAM RoadSmart) and an authorised provider of the quality assured IAM RoadSmart advanced motorcycle riding course. SAM also collaborates with statutory, non-statutory and voluntary organisations, charities and groups, to help promote SAM’s charitable objectives. This page specifies SAM’s policies on:
SAM complies with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998 and General Data Provision Regulations 2016. We have consistently high levels of practice when processing your personal data. SAM needs to collect data to ensure that it can communicate with its users, affiliates and groups with whom it collaborates. This is to ensure that SAM continues to maintain and improve upon its charitable objectives. All data is subject to the following:
We respect all copyrights and trademarks mentioned or shown on our site. This means:
If you have any questions or if you think something on our site is being used incorrectly, please contact sam-editor@iam-sheffield.bike. We’re here to make sure everything is used properly and respectfully.
SAM encourages and supports all motorcyclists to complete the IAM RoadSmart Advanced Rider Course. A motorcyclist is eligible to undertake this course if :
These terms, conditions and policies will be periodically updated. It is important that any user of this website is familiar with them as they will be used, where appropriate, in any discussion of the Sheffield Advanced Motorcyclists activities and the provision of services through this website.
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